(Lao Tse)
An innovative company stands out with its readiness to take the first step. To become conscious of its responsibility to our environment, to become aware of this responsibility, and to invest in the future characterises entrepreneurial thinking.
A climate-neutral fair presentation is a small step for a company, but represents an important contribution to climate protection.
Step 1 - Avoiding
The first thing is to avoid the generation of climate-damaging greenhouse gases as much as possible. CO2 is considered to be a known a climate-influencing gas. The aim is to reduce the global generation of greenhouse gases. These also include methane, CFCs, nitrogen dioxide etc. Therefore, we also talk of CO2 equivalents.Right in the planning phase, all the features related to the fair stand that are relevant to the CO2 emission are recorded and listed. In collaboration with the fair planners and exhibitors, the sources of the occurring emission are analysed and the savings potential is determined. The objective is to find solutions and reduce the CO2 emission to a minimum.
The use of environment-friendly raw materials and multiple use of reusable materials can be the possible savings.
Step 2 - Determining
Once the planning phase is complete and the CO2 emission has been reduced as much as possible, the exact quantity of residual CO2 emission is determined with the help of a CO2 calculator. To be able to talk of a climate-neutral fair stand, the emission determined has to be compensated.To get a compensation value that is as accurate as possible, it is important to determine all the occurring CO2 emissions of the entire value creation chain. Starting from raw materials, production and transport through supply services like electricity and water to recycling and disposal. The CO2 footprint is completed by the data of the exhibitor, for example, on the number of employees at the site and their travel.
Step 3 - Compensation
The determination of the CO2 footprint is followed by the compensation of the CO2 emission by purchasing ecologically high-value CO2 emission reduction certificates from recognized climate protection projects.The residual, unavoidable emissions are considered to be equalised with the decommissioning or extinguishment of the emission reduction certificates. The fair presentation is climate-neutral and can be marked and advertised as such.